Are your students LGBTQ youth of color (ages 13-26) seeking mental health counseling?

We all want to make sure that we have students’ best interest in mind when working with youth. It can be difficult to always know how to best support each student. Do you feel you have enough support and resources to support your LGBTQ students?

Are you struggling with your own internal biases?

Some tips and suggestions that help educators better support their LGBTQ students:

  • Creating a safe and affirming space in the classroom.
    • This can be done by putting up posters and content that is affirming of all students.
    • Participating in “Safe Zone” trainings and designating your classroom as a “Safe Zone”
  • Creating and enforcing anti-bullying policies
  • Communicating to students that you are a safe adult to confide in.
  • Using correct name and pronouns
  • Advocating for LGBTQ Students
  • Using inclusive language
  • Incorporating inclusive readings and content in lesson plans
  • Having resources available for students
  • (ex. The LGBTQ Center OC, ACLU Know your Rights for Trans and Gender-Non Conforming Students and LGBTQ Students, The Trevor Project)
  • Identifying and training supportive school staff
    • The LGBTQ Center OC hosts a variety of trainings for individuals and educators. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in learning more.
  • Educating yourself on the experiences of LGBTQ students
  • Supporting and advising inclusive student clubs
  • Informing and connecting students with mental health resources
    • For example, if a student is being disruptive in class there may be a multitude of reasons why that is. It can be really difficult for some students to discuss those reasons, especially if other youth or school staff are around. Contacting mental health staff to assess the situation and talk with the youth can develop deeper understanding on how best to support them.

If you are ready to seek support or talk to someone from our staff, we are ready for you. Please follow the button below to continue on your journey as educators and uplifting your LGBTQ students of color.